With low real net output ratios of 50 percent or less, procurement also increasingly drives and shapes technical development, product development and innovation. Meanwhile, every sustainably successful procurement organisation has long since identified the decisive factor for a rosy future for their own department and the company as a whole: trends and opportunities are the future.
This is why we have brought together 30 trends and evaluated them for you. Procurement trends that every decision-maker needs to know. These include topics that you are likely starting to handle in new projects, like chatbots for internal communication, AI support for risk management and the data-driven organisation. But how might neuro-coaching, AI-led forecasts, virtual representatives and real-time CO2 tracking affect your business? Or virtual procurement in the metaverse, marketplaces in outer space and the quantum revolution?
In this study, we help you to “trend spot” those developments that are most likely to have a massive impact. We have therefore ranked procurement trends by likely readiness for market: What is likely to impact procurement by 2026? By 2033? And what will take ten years or longer? In addition, we have assigned all the trends to one of four main topic areas:
These four areas will reshape the future of procurement over the next few years.