Intellectual Property Newsletter (Edition 2/2021)

Welcome to the KPMG Intellectual Property newsletter on developments in the world of patents, trademarks, designs, domains and other Intellectual Property rights (“IPRs”). KPMG firms are proud of their global network, with IP lawyers, enabling KPMG professionals to offer an international service to clients in this area.

Cover IP Int

This edition highlights some developments in the licensing of standard essential patents (SEPs) on “fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory" (FRAND) terms. Furthermore, it provides insight into the new Intellectual Property Report of KPMG Law, analyzing developments and trends in top international IP departments. Featured are also the continuations of the Brexit series and the analysis of the impact of the latest patent reform in China on developments in the pharmaceutical industries. Reports on new legislative initiatives in various jurisdictions, analyses of recent court decisions and news will complete the picture.