How optimised back-office processes make real estate companies more successful

"Performance factor back office": In the new Real Estate Bulletin 02/2023, our authors analyse how performance and resilience can be increased in uncertain times.

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Rising interest rates and higher commodity and energy costs, at the same time increasing investment requirements due to ESG regulation: the real estate sector is under pressure. How do companies strengthen efficiency and resilience in uncertain times? This is the topic in the new Real Estate Bulletin 02/2023 entitled "Performance factor back office".

There is great potential for optimisation in the back office. You can read in our bulletin how to identify these with the Target Operating Model in order to identify controlling weaknesses, among other things.

#Digital applications are also a significant factor in increasing efficiency in the back office. Real estate analytics help with operational and strategic decisions based on data, technical solutions simplify contract management, digitalised tax processes create transparency for asset managers. In addition, it is shown how internal reorganisation can lead to the generation of liquidity in a tight financial situation - from the outsourcing of loss-making service areas to the bundling of previously decentralised tasks.